Wisconsin Music Teachers Association

Annual Conference

October 24-26, 2024

Lawrence University in Appleton, WI

We are thrilled to share that the 2024 WMTA State Conference will be held at Lawrence University in Appleton, WI, on October 24-26, 2024. Some of you may remember that the last time our state conference was in Appleton was in 2013, and we even had one specifically at Lawrence University in 2004!

Located in the east central part of the state, just north of Lake Winnebago, and crossed by the Fox River, Appleton has a lively and walkable downtown, a vibrant arts scene, and is surrounded by natural beauty—making it a prime location for our conference. For the first time in 18 years, we will gather at a college campus instead of a hotel. We look forward to the benefits and opportunities this change in venue will bring.

Please email wisconsinmta@gmail.com if you have questions. 


2024 WMTA State Conference registration information will be available online by July. Make sure to book your hotel before then, though!

Hotel Information

Hilton Appleton Paper Valley, Appleton WI

A block of rooms has been set aside at the Hilton Appleton Paper Valley at 333 W. College Avenue on Thursday and Friday evenings. Reservations for the block of rooms must be made by September 24, 2024. Use code “WMTA.” Reserving a room now is highly recommended since the Packers football season and home games affect the availability of hotel rooms significantly once the season is announced in April/May. Rooms are $129/night plus tax for single and double occupancy. An additional $10/person per night will be added for more people. To reserve a room in the block, you have two options:

1. Call the Hotel directly at 920-733-8000  

2. Call Central Reservations at 800-774-1500

3. Click on this link to book online

A block of rooms will also be set aside for a driving-distance motel with lower room rates. Contact Catherine Walby (Catherine.walby@lawrence.edu) with any hotel-related questions.

Advertise or participate in the Exhibit Area

If you wish to advertise or participate in the exhibit area on Friday, click here

Call for Collegiate Presenters

WMTA welcomes submissions for posters and presentations by our collegiate members for the 2024 State Conference. We will use the format of 20-minute accelerated sessions, similar to how MTNA does this at the National Conference. These presentations/posters can be pedagogical in nature, relate to interesting literature, wellness, etc.

In order to be considered, please email a title, abstract (no more than 250 words),and format preference (poster, presentation) to Dr. Nick Phillips, NCTM, at phillins@uwec.edu by April 1. (Please note this extended date from what was listed in the February WMTA Newsletter.) We want you to be involved, so please consider submitting a proposal, and attending the conference regardless!

Frequently Asked Conference Questions

Who should register for the conference?

Everyone attending the Conference must register. This includes anyone attending and/or presenting. The Awards Banquet and Recital on Friday night is available via the reservation system at an additional cost for partners, family members, etc.

What does my registration include?

Your registration fee includes the conference, the Friday evening banquet and performance and Saturday annual meeting luncheon. Please notify us if you have any special dietary restrictions. It does not include hotel costs or other meals, including breakfasts and Friday lunch. Every attendee is required to make their own transportation and lodging plans.

Are conference fees refundable?

No. All fees (including meals) are non-refundable.

Can I take my friend, spouse or child to a session without registering them?

The sessions are for registered individuals only. Should you bring additional guests, they will need to be registered and paid, regardless of how many sessions they wish to attend. If your guests wish attend the the Friday night dinner and performance , they may make reservations in the reservation system.

How do I get a roommate or someone to carpool to share a hotel room with?

WMTA does not facilitate roommates or carpools. If you are seeking a roommate or a carpool otherwise, we recommend that you contact your Local Association President to see who else is attending from your area.

Can I bring my own food?

All food/beverages must be supplied and prepared by the catering service at the university during the included meal times. Please indicate any food restrictions you may have and we will do our best to accommodate those.

When will I receive my registration confirmation?

If you registered online, your confirmation was automatically emailed to you upon completion of the registration process. Attendees may pick up your name tag at the Conference Welcome Desk. The Welcome Desk will be open on Friday from 7:30am-11:30am and 12:30pm-2:00pm. It will also be open on Saturday from 7:30am to 11:00am. Program booklets will be online. Please check it out prior to the conference.

When I arrive at the conference what should I do?

Conference registration desk will open Friday morning, per the schedule. You can pick up your nametag and any other updated information. Please familiarize yourself with the program online prior to arrival. It contains many things that you will need during Conference such as the daily schedule, presenter bios, exhibitor listings and much more.

What is the appropriate dress for this?

Dress in what makes you feel comfortable, but conference rooms can vary widely in temperature. We recommend you wear layers if you tend to get cool.

When will the conference schedule be available?

The full conference schedule with rooms and times will be available online before the conference. The schedule of events is subject to change up to the day before the event.

Do you provide scooters or wheelchairs?

No, we do not.

Are there open exhibit booths?

Yes, and if you are an exhibitor that would like to be at our conference, see our exhibit booth advertising options for information.

What about parking rates?

Some hotels do charge parking rates and you will find that information on their website.