Regional Keyboard Competition


WMTA Regional Keyboard Competition is the next level of advancement after the District event.  These students have chosen Regional track in the opening round of district auditions, and are in grades 1-6, preparing 3 memorized pieces.


  • Enter in the Regional track at the District auditions, the opening round
  • Receive qualifying scores at the District auditions (5-5-4 performance, minimum 80% theory)
  • Pieces must comply with repertoire requirements, and not exceed time limits (see Flow Chart)
  • Students in grades 1-3 play for comments and points, but cannot advance and compete at the Regional competition
  • Students in grades 4-6 play for comments and points, and, with qualifying scores, can advance and compete at the Regional competition
  • Students may only compete in the region associated with their teacher’s district


  • Students will be grouped into levels based on their current school grade
  • If there is a very small (1-2) number of entrants in grades 4-6, they may be grouped with another adjacent grade level.
  • Grades 7-12 will be judged separately, and in their own grade levels, no matter the numbers.
  • Students MUST perform the compositions performed at the District level.
  • An adjudicator will listen to all performers at that level, and declare a Winner, a Runner-Up (at the judge’s discretion), and Honorable Mentions
  • Winner has the opportunity to perform at a recital that afternoon
  • In the event that the Winner cannot perform, the Runner-Up is invited to perform
  • Points:  Winner = 15 pts +Medal and Certificate

                         Runner-Up = 14 pts +Medal and Certificate

                         Honorable Mention = 13 pts + Certificate

                         Participant = 10 pts + Certificate

  • Teachers entering 8 or more students must be prepared to work for the full day. This number depends on registration, may be lower, and is determined at leadership discretion.
  • If a teacher does not work or has not provided a substitute, their student(s) will not be allowed to participate in the following year, and a $75 fine will be imposed
  • If a teacher is sending only one student, they may not have to work that year.  This is determined on a case by case basis, at the discretion of leadership (Many teachers send only one student – some may be needed to help run the event successfully)
  • Background checks, valid for 3 yrs, are required for all (teachers, subs, judges)

For information and additional guidelines on the Regional Competition, consult the WMTA Auditions Flow Chart.

Questions:  contact Mary Anne Olvera, NCTM –


Regional Keyboard Competitions are held at three sites in WI (S, NE, NW Regional).  Students may only compete in the region associated with their district. 

Keyboard students participating in both the Regional Keyboard competition, and the State VIE Competition with a duet, may compete in the Regional Keyboard Competition in the location/venue of  the V/I/E competition.

All registrations must be postmarked by WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2025. 

Fees are $30 for each student entered. 

Send check, payable to WMTA, along with the Fee Summary sheet, to:

Mary Anne Olvera
664 Louise Lane
Hudson, WI 54016

Greenhill Center of the Arts
950 W. Main St.
STAURDAY, MAY 10, 2025

Arts and Communication Building
1001 Elmwood Ave.
SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2025

UW-River Falls
E. H. Kleinpell Fine Arts
420 Cascade Ave.
SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2025

Winners at grade levels 7-12 may advance to the State Keyboard Competition.

Questions, contact: Mary Anne Olvera, NCTM –