MTNA Foundation
To quote the MTNA website, “When you make a contribution to the MTNA Foundation Fund, you are helping us work for a more musical tomorrow through programs that nurture the creation, performance, study and teaching of music. The Foundation Fund is the repository for all funds from the former MTNA Foundation that was integrated into MTNA on July 1, 2003. It is the fund that receives all tax-deductible contributions to MTNA, and is held and maintained separately from MTNA funds. Since the establishment of the MTNA Foundation in 1989, many thousands of dollars have been provided in grants and awards to students, gifted composers, outstanding teachers and performers and to local associations.”
In Wisconsin, we hold a silent auction at the state conference each year in order to raise funds to be sent to MTNA. When we have a Foundation Fellow, all monies raised are used to fund the Fellow, which is a cost of $1000. Fellows can be nominated by any individual or local association. When WMTA monies are used, the Executive Board votes on the nominee(s). Voting is usually done at the June board meetings. Nominations should be made to the state president or Foundation chair in the spring.
The Wisconsin MTNA Foundation Chair is: Shannon Whaples, NCTM Foundation Chair. Please contact her at: shannonspianostudio@hotmail.com
All information about the MTNA Foundation can be found at the following link. http://www.mtnafoundation.org/
Please support the MTNA foundation through donations. Please use the link below.
Wisconsin MTNA Foundation Fellows
Year Honored | Name |
2003 Fellow | Carol Winborne |
2005 Fellow | James C. Norden NCTM |
2006 Fellow | Joyce L. Grill NCTM |
2007 Fellow | Carmen E. Shaw NCTM |
2008 Fellow | Teresa M. Weber |
2009 Fellow | Valerie C. Cisler NCTM |
2011 Fellow | Laura Ann Swenson NCTM |
2012 Fellow | Gail Alix Heywood NCTM |
2014 Fellow | Carol A. Klose |
2015 Fellow | Joan M. Davies NCTM |
2015 Fellow | Howard Karp |
2016 Fellow | Jessica G. Johnson NCTM |
2017 Fellow | Jo Ann Hobbs |
2018 Fellow | Jane H Scheef |
2019 Fellow | Anna J. Asch |
2020 Fellow | Deanna R. Roen |
2022 Fellow | Catherine Walby NCTM |
2023 Fellow | Nicholas Phillips, NCTM |
2024 Fellow | Rachel Fritz |